Elon Musk’s trans daughter says goodbye to the USA after Trump win

Elon Musk’s trans daughter will quit the United States of America following Donald Trump’s election win as her disowned father potentially enters government with the Republicans from 2025.

Born in 2004, Vivan Jenna Wilson cut contact with her father when she filed a request to change her gender and name as Musk claimed she had fallen victim to the “woke mind virus” by rejecting his heteronormative identity.

Vivan Wilson and Elon Musk

And as her billionaire father continues to push his “anti-woke” and pro-Trump platform on X.com (formerly Twitter), he aligns himself with a position in the 2024 American government.

In light of this, Wilson says she’s planning to leave the USA to get away from him due to the risk of anti-trans legislature that could be backed up by the Republican-controlled Oval Office, Representatives, Senate and Supreme Court offering little opposition to repressive policies.

“I’ve thought this for a while, but yesterday confirmed it for me,” Wilson wrote on Threads, as she refuses to use X.com. “I don’t see my future being in the United States.

“Even if he’s only in office for 4 years, even if the anti-trans regulations magically don’t happen, the people who willingly voted this in are not going anywhere anytime soon.”

Musk claims that neo-Marxists corrupted Wilson to the point where she embraced her transgender identity, further going on to claim that his “son” was “dead” as well as claiming he made attempts to fix their relationship.

Wilson, who attended the Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences in Santa Monica, was also said to have become “communist” and decided anyone rich is “evil”, with her father claiming that the loss of her hurt him more than the actual death of his firstborn.

Meanwhile the young woman has since his back and slammed her dad as “cold” and “narcissistic”, recalling a time he screamed at her for talking with a tone of voice that he considered to be too high-pitched.

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